The Therapy dog program, affectionately known as the Fur-Therapist program, supports and empowers children and adults emotionally, mentally and physically to overcome barriers that prevent them from living a quality life, by developing a unique bond with our specially trained animals. These Therapy Dogs are extremely special and able to bring joy to people in a variety of situations.
We are able to train dogs to live and work with councilors or other key mental health professionals. These dogs may already work in a specific facility and are in need of the skill set to become a Fur-Therapist.
We are also able to train dogs and their handlers to become "Mobile" Fur-Therapists whereby they are certified to enter and assist in a variety of establishments such as frail care homes, schools, and children homes (to name but a few)
A Fur-Therapist requires:
- A Canine Good Citizen Bronze Award
- An In-situ test to determine facility suitability
- 3 Special comfort skills
Places where you may want visit, or work in with your Fur-Therapist:
·         Psychiatric / psychology centres
·         Trauma centres
·         Court houses
·         University Campuses
·         Schools / Home schools
·         Corporate offices
·         Assisted living facilities
·         Nursing / old age homes
·         Children's / care homes
Honeys Garden is a nonprofit, 2016/387235/08 organization whose mission is to place quality service dogs with people within South Africa who are under privileged, fighting with disabilities or diseases, and veterans who have lost use of limbs or hearing. We also help with animal rescue, and educate the public regarding use of service dogs in public places.

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